Four Ways to Enjoy the Holidays More

1. Choose one holiday activity that’s the most important to you this year. Then ask each family member (Immediate family ONLY) to do the same. This year choose to do just those activities. Can’t narrow it down to one? Ok, then chose one thing to opt out of this year. (Yes, you really can say no to that awkward party.)

2. Do something for someone else…use your imagination. This could mean leaving a potted plant by someone’s doorstep, feeding the homeless, or just smiling at people as you hold the door open for them. Actually a smile and even an ounce of calm can be contagious.


3. Schedule yourself some unscheduled time each week. It never falls in our laps. We have to be purposeful to find it. Do not fill it up with odds and ends or those errands you didn’t have time to run. Guard it as your time to rejuvenate and refresh. By doing this you will enjoy life more, as well as have more to give to the ones you care about.


4. Decide what it is that you are celebrating. Then celebrate that with purpose!


Conquering Holiday Stress